
How much does mentoring cost? The price of participation in the mentoring program

Mentoring has many advantages and great benefits for everyone – for Mentees, for Mentors and Mentors, for the organization. Development of specialized skills, soft skills, relationship building, improved well-being and job satisfaction leadership development in the organization are just some of them. But like all forms of development, mentoring also has its limitations. One of them is price – the cost of mentoring. In this article I will try to answer the question of how much mentoring costs. I will mainly touch on the perspective of Mentees, although there will be something for Mentors and organizers as well.

Mentoring goals – importance, techniques and sample goals for Mentees

Cele programu mentoringowego

Goals are the foundation of any mentoring process. Among other things, they are what make mentoring an actual development process, and not just chaotic conversations over coffee. They are so important that we decided to devote a separate article to them. In it, I will present techniques useful for setting goals and building self-awareness, list some sample goals, and finally address the topic of assessment and evaluation.